Aries Couples Horoscope

Aries, you move quickly in most parts of your life, including relationships. However, being too spontaneous this year could stop you from making considerable progress in your love life.

Saturn’s partnership with creative Pisces helps you use your imagination and intuition when it comes to love, which really plays up your romantic side. If you aren’t usually the “holding hands and taking slow walks on the beach” type, you might surprise yourself—and your partner—with your romantic moves this year. Slowing down or stopping altogether to enjoy the view can put you in a much healthier place than you were when you were rushing around last year.

Your sex life is an important part of your relationship, so when your potent leader Mars meets up with your aggressive sign at the end of April, the vibe is electric, aggressive, and competitive. Jealousy could get out of control during this intense transit, so try not to take such a primitive view of love. As much as you might like to, you can’t bop your boo over the head with a rock and carry them back to your cave!

Mars in Taurus is after financial security in your money zone from early June to late July, which highlights all aspects of your shared money situation. You’re a pretty big spender, so you might have some issues to work through if you’re in a relationship with a saver. Patience is the key to success during this wealth-building transit, so you’re probably the one who should make the adjustments. Divulging spontaneous spending that drains your bank account and gives little return on your mutual money will inevitably end in a big shouting match that no one really wins.