Virgo Couples Horoscope

Love is often about being helpful and consistent for you, Virgo, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have some incredibly passionate encounters in 2023!

Romantic Venus partners with fire sign Aries and lights up your sexuality zone in late February, setting off some pretty enjoyable erotic fireworks. This is a “take no prisoners” kind of energy and not for the faint of heart. Everything about this transit is intense, so hang on and get ready for the ride of your life!

Loving Venus goes retrograde while in your sign between late July and mid-September, causing you to basically reconsider everything that’s happened in your love life up to this point. Your intuition is on high alert and can guide you in these difficult matters of the heart, so don’t ignore obvious (or subtle) messages from your subconscious. If you have any secrets, prepare for them to be exposed. And if your partner has secrets, they will be revealed. Try not to react quickly to bad news. Give yourself time to process it before making any rash decisions.

Money-focused Venus spends time in poised, charming Libra in the second half of November, so you’ll be able to tactfully talk about money issues now. You can be very blunt at times (especially with your criticism), so this will be prime negotiating time. If you want to change something in your couples’ budget or make a big purchase, speak up now. Once you combine your charm with your attention to detail (you aren’t above compiling a report about why your expenditures make sense!), your partner will have a very difficult time saying no.