Pisces Couples Horoscope

Good communication is a vital part of any relationship, and since Mercury rules this area of life, this year’s dreaded retrograde cycles (early January, late April, August, mid-December) will affect your ability to communicate effectively with each other. Regardless of how much you try to avoid communication issues, Pisces, miscommunication and misunderstanding are inevitable parts of most Mercury retro periods. If you feel like something is off but your partner says it’s “nothing,” follow your intuition. Although this year’s retrograde periods all pass through logical earth signs, it’s important to follow up on those little gut feelings.

Romantic Venus will be retrograde in charismatic, playful Leo between late July and early September, which could lead to a karmic rekindling of a former partner or lover making their way back into your life. Even if their intentions are innocent, it’s important to tell your current partner about any communication or meeting you have with someone you were romantically involved with in the past. They might interpret anything but full disclosure as a form of cheating.

There’s a caring, compassionate full moon in your powerful first house to look forward to at the end of August that finds you at your most understanding. At this time, you’re receptive to apologies and willing to forgive, forget and put things behind you. This is an exciting opportunity to open up to each other and welcome in one of the most healing periods of the year for your relationship.