Leo Couples Horoscope

As a royal Lion, you love to be pampered and put on a pedestal, so is it too much to ask that your partner worship you this year?! Well, as it turns out, romantic Venus will be in your house of harmonious partnerships for most of January, so your partner might very well be in the mood to do whatever it takes to make you happy! Peace and satisfaction are two main goals of this romantic cosmic partnership and working toward mutual satisfaction should be your focus.

Venus spends time in your sign starting in early June, infusing your love life with genuine warmth and the pursuit of pleasure. You think a lot of yourself now, of course, but why shouldn’t you? You’re charming, self-confident and therefore extremely desirable which should make your partner feel lucky to be with you, right? However, Leo, Venus heads retrograde while still in your demanding first house in late July, which could make it difficult to maintain your romantic intensity. When things don’t go exactly as planned, make sure you deal with the fallout together instead of shutting each other out.

The outgoing sun enters introverted Scorpio in late October, highlighting your home life, security and family zone. Spending time cozied up with bae sounds great now, and you’d gladly trade walking the red carpet for a night at home, cuddled up on the couch together and watching your favorite movie while playfully tossing popcorn at each other. It’s nice that even though you’re an admitted attention junkie, you can be just as happy when the cameras are off and it’s just the two of you.