Capricorn Couples Horoscope

You take your relationship responsibilities very seriously, Capricorn, and as a new moon rises in mid-February in idealistic Pisces and your house of communication, you’ve got a lot of thoughts and emotions swirling around in that head of yours. While yes, this is a sensitive, forgiving energy that urges you to help keep the peace and avoid confrontation at all costs, this lunation also gives you the ability to communicate intuitively and sync up with your partner on a spiritual level and higher plane. If there’s something that needs to be addressed, you do so in the most loving and compassionate way.

Your practical earth sign might not be the most romantic, but when love goddess Venus partners with emotional water sign Cancer and your relationship zone in early May, you’re ready to ramp up your efforts. You’ll be seeking a harmonious, balanced union with bae now, and you’ll be willing to step up to the plate and (gasp!) maybe even put them first for a change. If you’ve been locked in an ongoing battle of wills lately, you’re ready to put your own needs aside and compromise, which is an amazing step in the right direction.

The full moon and lunar eclipse in fellow earth sign Taurus and your expressive house of pleasure at the end of October send you on something of an emotional roller-coaster ride. This is an excellent time to slow down and be patient when it comes to bringing up any new issues in the relationship. You’re definitely more fun and less inhibited than usual, but there are serious things looming in the background that you can’t ignore. Try not to use a shopping spree to mask what’s really going on. Spending money together is fun, but it’s sometimes just a distraction from facing what’s really going on during this lunation.