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The History of Psychics

Psychics have existed since the dawn of humanity - you may already know about them by the names of prophet or healer! Some psychic abilities have been thought to be available to everyone sometimes, psychic or not; even among non-psychics, the belief that one's own dreams can foretell the future is widespread!

Elaborate systems of fortune-telling, such as astrology and divination, existed in ancient times. When their power was said to be given to psychics by a god or goddess, their abilities were more generally accepted. Many served important leadership roles as advisors and priests.

Biblical figures such as Samuel and Elijah were considered prophets - their power, the bible said, was given to them by God. Oracles, such as the Greek Delphic Oracle of Apollo, was said to prophesy during a hysterical state induced by vapors rising from the ground. The priests at these locations would shape the oracle's gibberish into prophecies from the god or goddess of the temple.

As Christianity swept the Roman Empire, psychics began to be associated with witches and the devil. In many places, psychics were banned from practicing. But as time went on, the abilities of psychics could not allow them to stay so suppressed.

In the 1500s, a French apothecary and psychic, Michael de Nostredame, published his own numerous prophecies. Known to most of us as Nostradamus, he is best known for his book Les Propheties, which mainly predicts future disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and floods. These prophecies are all undated, but many feel that Nostradamus has predicted many catastrophic events of our own time, including the American tragedy on September 11, 2001.

The movement known as Spiritualism took the United States and the U.K. by storm in the 1800s. This movement promoted the idea of mediums using psychic powers to communicate with the dead and in doing so to provide advice and insight to people on Earth. Spiritualism spawned many other psychic factions, including the New Age school of thought.

In the twentieth century, interest grew in scientific testing for psychic abilities. William McDougal and Joseph Banks Rhine at Duke University were among the first psychic researchers in the 1920s and developed an ESP test using a deck of cards. In the early 1970s, Charles Honorton developed a ganzfeld experiment to test for ESP, and this method is still used today.

Debate about parapsychology as a legitimate scientific field still abounds. Although the study of psychics doesn't exactly fit within mainstream scientific standards, the history of psychics goes back further than almost any other scientific field!

More questions? Your psychic advisor will be able to give you deeper insight into the history of psychics and their own personal psychic journey!

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