What your sign means in Chinese astrology…

Could Scorpios become even more powerful? Yes! This is especially true when we combine our Chinese with our western sign. Find yours below…

Scorpio Rat: You are charming and ambitious.
Scorpio Ox: You are magnetic and inventive.
Scorpio Tiger: You have a revolutionary allure.
Scorpio Rabbit: You are imaginative and confident.
Scorpio Dragon: You are attractive and exuberant.
Scorpio Snake: You are an intelligent leader.
Scorpio Horse: You have a magnificent personality.
Scorpio Goat: You are artistic and very lucky!
Scorpio Monkey: You are agile and playful.
Scorpio Rooster: You are resourceful and feisty.
Scorpio Dog: You are faithful and creative.
Scorpio Pig: You have a delightful personality.

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